Select your ticket(s)

Select tickets for Expovet 2024 below. You can easily order additional tickets later. Note: free tickets and student tickets will be checked at the entrance.

Are you a veterinarian?
You will receive 1 EBP for attending Expovet, accredited by the NGROD (Nederlandstalige Gewestelijke Raad van de Orde der Dierenartsen)


Dayticket veterinarian - € 13,00
Dayticket veterinary assistant - € 13,00
Dayticket visitor - € 13,00
Dayticket student - € 2,00
Under 18 years
Professor/employee Ghent University / University of Antwerp


Weekendticket veterinarian - € 23,99
Weekendticket veterinary assistant - € 23,99
Weekendticket visitor - € 23,99
Weekendticket student - € 3,99
Under 18 years
Professor/employee Ghent University / University of Antwerp

No tickets selected
Discount : € 0,00
Total: € 0,00
Of which VAT: € 0,00
shopping_cart € 0,00 | 0 product(s)
No tickets selected
Discount : € 0,00
Total: € 0,00
Of which VAT: € 0,00

Your details

Enter your personal details below.

Register this ticket directly under your name

When you choose this option, the ticket will be registered directly under your name.

First name *
Last name *
Email address *
shopping_cart € 0,00 | 0 product(s)
No tickets selected
Discount : € 0,00
Total: € 0,00
Of which VAT: € 0,00

Your ticket

Enter your details below to register your own ticket immediately.

Email address
Company/Practice Name *
Other, namely *
Other, namely *
Would you like to participate in the interaction in the new Expovet app?

Please note: If you participate, your name will also be visible in the app. You can adjust this choice later via the app.

shopping_cart € 0,00 | 0 product(s)
No tickets selected
Discount : € 0,00
Total: € 0,00
Of which VAT: € 0,00

Your billing details

Enter the details for the invoice below. After completing your payment you will receive it immediately at the email address below.

Company/Practice Name *
Street *
Housenumber *
Zip code *
City *
Invoice email address *
VAT number
Reference number


No tickets selected
Discount : € 0,00
Total: € 0,00
Of which VAT: € 0,00
How did you hear about Expovet? *
Multiple answers possible

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By using this website or by clicking agree, you agree with our cookie policy. Read more about our privacy and cookie policy.


We use cookies to improve the experience on our website, to keep statistics and to give you access to our social media.
By using this website or by clicking agree, you agree with our cookie policy. Read more about our privacy and cookie policy.